Woodland Park is located at 370 Lake Street in Woodland, PA. It is an ideal location for family reunions, picnics, baby and bridal showers, birthday and graduation parties or any other event you would like to celebrate outdoors. Encompassed within the park is a large pond stocked for fishing, a baseball field, playground, two covered pavilions, restrooms, and a kitchen with water and electric.

Daily Rental Fees are as follows:
Large Pavilion - $50.00
Small Pavilion - $25.00
Kitchen - $25.00
A $20.00 deposit is required to hold your date. An additional $20.00 clean-up deposit is also required but will be refunded if the park is left as it was found after your event. Call the township office at 814-857-7283 for more information on renting if interested.
Below is Rental Agreement for printing and returning to the office with deposit if preferred.